Wednesday, May 20, 2015

#fitpregnancy Can you workout while pregnant?

Yes working out while pregnant is amazing and it is actually recomended to do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day.  As long as you were already engaged in an exercise program it is ok to continue to workout in moderation. There are a few pregnancy guidelines

1. Make sure to warm up and cool down
2. Don't let your heart rate exceed 140 beats per minute 
3. Stay hydrated, make sure you take water breaks and avoid the heat
4. During the second and third trimesters, avoid lying on your back (it decreases air flow to the uterus).

Its #workoutwednesday and we want to introduce you to our client Sam Bangs. Sam is 6 1/2 months pregnant and even though she is deep into her pregnancy she still finds the time and energy to kick butt in class. Being pregnant puts added weight and pressure on the lower back, knees, and ankles. Thankfully she found that doing TRX in the sand is a great way to minimize pressure on the joints while working out. Tag your pregnant friends who would be interested in getting a good workout before that baby comes. #fitpregnancy #pregnant #26weeks#babyonboard #exercise #3rdtrimester #babybump#prenatal #preggo #preggers check out her blog about her #fitpregnancy experiece

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

#transformationtuesday of our awesome client Quinn!

#transformationtuesday Check out Quinn's abs. Quinn started a few months ago and was another one of Tonni's followers. He challenged himself with classes and exercises that took him outside of his comfort zone. He takes different classes wth different instructors to make sure his body is always pushed to the limit. He always pushes passed 100%, does the advance moves, and is even moving during the water breaks..."aint nobody got time for that." He is a lean mean fighting machine and it's amazing to see his body changes. Quinn, you are awesome and we love witnessing your progress. Check out his review on yelp#beastmode #wasboardabs #sickpack #strong #built#power #dedicated #fitnessaddict #trainhard#alldayeveryday #positivemind Quinn Crumbley

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

#ransformationtuesday #weightloss #successstory

#transformationtuesday 40 pounds down.......Shaya has done an amazing job transforming his body. Suffering from minor knee pain, he used the sand to his advantage and strengthened the tiny muscles in his legs helping him relieve a lot of that pain. The biggest accomplishment is the strength and denfinition he has gained and the 40 POUNDS HE LOST!!! His hard work has really paid off. It has been a pleasure watching him push through every class giving it his all each time. Great job Shaya, keep pushing!

Monday, May 11, 2015

The body Achieves what the mind believes

"The body achieves what the mind believes" believe in yourself and your body will take you places you never thought it could go. #happymonday #fitfam It's a new week let's do this #goals #justdoit #fitnessroutine#startnow #shermanoaks #firstclassfree@moveitmonday #moveitmonday #motivationmonday

Come Workout in the sand and feel the difference it makes on your body. You will feel stronger, leaner, and more stable.

Friday, May 8, 2015

#funfactfriday should you stretch before or after exercise?

Should you stretch before or after exercise?

Depending on the type of exercise you are doing 🏀🏃👟 WHEN you stretch may have different effects on your performance

STATIC stretching (when you hold a stretch for a length of time) before exercise, can reduce performance, especially in explosive & quick movements. Tightness can help to produce better speed & agility, so if you are planning on sprinting, jumping or playing sport, DYNAMIC stretching (stretching with movement, like leg swings, arm circles etc) is a great way to warm up your mobility without hindering your performance

Static stretching still has its place however, it is an important way to improve your flexibility & help with muscle recovery. Save your long stretching for the end of your session when your muscles are nice and warm and enjoy the gentle cool down ☺️
Happy training fit fam! 💪😘

#stretching #fitness #abbodysquad

Monday, May 4, 2015


Stop saying you will start tomorrow, tomorrow starts today. 9:30am-Surfset, 12:00pm-TRX, -4:30pm-Sandbox kids, -6pm-TRX, -7:00pm-Sandworks, 8:00pm-Surfset Balance #motivationmonday#moveitmonday @moveitmonday